Why do we give something up for Lent? Who should fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday? Why do we abstain from meat on Fridays? Learn the answers to these and other questions! Click on the title above.
St. Anne's School will be celebrating their Centennial Gala on Saturday, April 30th, 2022. To learn more about this celebration, click on the title above.
Join the Lodi Group of St. Joseph, Discalced Carmelite Seculars, at 7:30 am in praying a bilingual Rosary before morning Mass on the First Saturday of each month beginning Saturday, March 5th.
Help support your local pregnancy resource center, Directions Medical Clinic! Pick up your envelope in the Church. For more information click on the title above.
The Knights of Columbus will be having two dinners all funds raised will be given to our parish Priest. The dinners will be at El Pazcifico and Brickhouse. For more information, click on the title above!
The Bereavement Support Group will be meeting soon! To learn more about this group or for more information on the Bereavement Group meeting, click on the title above!
Due to the suffering and great tragedy in Haiti the parishes in the Diocese of Stockton will be taking a special second collection of August 28th & 29th. For more information, please click on the title!
This weekend (August 7 & 8) our second collection will be for the Diocese of Stockton Priest Retirement Fund, a vital and important cause. To learn more click on the title above.