Going on a pilgrimage is one of the most ancient and traditional means of deepening one's faith. On this joumey we will be praying, feasting and enjoying the many sights and experiences of ancient and contemporary France. Spain and Portugal.
We will visit religious sights where we will have the opportunity to express our devotion to the Blessed Mother. We will celebrate Mass at various Marian Shrines that include Lourdes in France where she appeared to St. Bernadette and Fatima in Portugal where she appeared to Blessed Francisco. Jacinta and Lucia. We end our pilgrimage in Santiago de Compostela. Spain. at the tomb of St. James.
We look forward to each other's company as we celebrate our faith and enrich our understanding and apreciation of these special places associated with Mary, the Mother of God, and Christ's disCiples. This will be a great opportunity and privilege for us to joumey together as part of our faith community.