St. Anne’s Senior Monthly Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, May 23rd at 11:00am at the Lodi Moose Lodge on Woodbridge Road. The menu will be Pork Roast with apple sauce, mashed potatoes w/gravy. Juice in pan with ladle. The cost is $12.00 per person. If you are not on the call list, please contact Marianna at 368-7640 All reservations have to be made the Friday before the luncheon. Please call before bringing a guest. If you do not have reservations you will not be accepted. As the cook needs to plan ahead. Please don't forget to bring your plastic or paper bags for the Lodi Service Center. They are very much appreciated.
El Almuerzo Mensual de Adultos Mayores de Santa Ana será el Martes, 23 de Mayo a las 11:00am en el Lodi Moose Lodge por la carretera Woodbridge Rd. El menú será puerco rostizado, puré de manzana, y puré de papa con gravy. El costo es $12/persona. Si usted no tiene reservación, comuníquese con Marianna al 368-7640. Si no tiene reservación no se le servirá ya que el cocinero tiene que planear con anticipación. No se le olvide traer bolsas de plástico para donar al Lodi Service Center. *Nota: Esta actividad es en Ingles.*