O Come, Let Us Adore Him is a campaign inspired by Bishop Myron J. Cotta. Bishop Cotta's message to the faithful this Advent-Christmas season is to return to our Savior, as we celebrate his birth, the greatest gift of all! 2020 has been a chaotic year and there has been no lack of distraction, angst and turbulence. Bishop Cotta is encouraging parishoners throughout the diocese to welcome a season of new beginings as we enter the new liturgical year. Week 1: Advent is here! During this time, we are called to reflect on new beginnings that are only possible through God’s grace and mercy. We reflect on the birth of Jesus, that led Joseph and Mary on a journey. That journey for Joseph and Mary was filled with challenge and tribulation. Through it all, they relied on God to take on the challenges they faced, in hope of a new beginning for themselves as they trusted in His plan for them. Take time today to reflect on the journey you've been on this past year and ask God to show you His love and mercy as he lays out a path of new beginings this coming year. -Bishop Myron J. Cotta
Semana 1: ¡Llegó el Adviento! Durante este tiempo, estamos llamados a reflexionar sobre nuevos comienzos que solo son posibles mediante la gracia y la misericordia de Dios. Reflexionamos sobre el nacimiento de Jesús, que llevó a José y María en un viaje. Ese viaje de José y María estuvo lleno de desafíos y tribulaciones. A pesar de todo, confiaron en Dios para asumir los desafíos que enfrentaron, con la esperanza de un nuevo comienzo para ellos mismos mientras confiaban en Su plan para ellos. Tómese el tiempo hoy para reflexionar sobre el viaje que ha realizado el año pasado y pídale a Dios que le muestre su amor y misericordia mientras traza un camino de nuevos comienzos el próximo año. -Obispo Myron J. Cotta
Week 2: Although we are in unpredictable times, we must find a way to center ourselves with our Messiah Jesus and look forward to new beginnings. There will be challenges but we must trust that God and the Holy Spirit will intercede and guide us. Don’t take on the journey yourself, ask our merciful Lord for help. I challenge you to look forward to new beginnings and embrace the season of fulfilled promise. -Bishop Myron J. Cotta
Week 3: During this third week of Advent take the time to slow down and be with God! How will you invite him into your domestic church and celebrate the birth of his son, our Savior?
Semana 3: ¡Durante esta tercera semana de Adviento, tómese el tiempo para relajarse y estar con Dios! ¿Cómo lo invitará a su iglesia doméstica y celebrará el nacimiento de su hijo, nuestro Salvador?
Week 4: This year, more than any year before it, has reminded us the importance of the domestic church. Although the way we celebrate may look different this year, remember that Christ is our savior as we come fourth to adore Him. Brothers and Sisters, as we enter this time of new beginnings, I assure you as your Bishop, our clergy, religious, parish staffs and that of our diocesan pastoral center staff are here to assist you. As the Church let us continue our journey in a spirit of hope and open our hearts to Christ this Chrsitmas season. Come Let Us Adore Him! - Bishop Myron J. Cotta
Semana 4: Este año, más que cualquier otro año anterior, nos ha recordado la importancia de la iglesia doméstica. Aunque la forma en que celebramos puede parecer diferente este año, recuerde que Cristo es nuestro salvador cuando llegamos en cuarto lugar para adorarlo. Hermanos y hermanas, al entrar en este tiempo de nuevos comienzos, les aseguro que como obispo, nuestro clero, religiosos, personal parroquial y el personal de nuestro centro pastoral diocesano están aquí para ayudarlos. Como Iglesia, continuemos nuestro viaje con un espíritu de esperanza y abramos nuestros corazones a Cristo en esta temporada navideña. ¡Venid y adorémosle! - Obispo Myron J. Cotta