St. Patrick's Mexican Dinner Dance The St. Patrick's Mexican Dinner Dance to benefit the St. Anne's Community Plaza project will held
Saturday, March 15th
from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
1101 W. Kettleman Ln. Suite 1, Lodi
Final plans for the Plaza have been drawn for the project to be located between the School and the front of the Church. These plans call for a park like setting and with beautiful walkways, artwork, fountain, benches and more for all of Lodi to enjoy!
Adults $20
Children (under 18) $5
Family Package $50
Please call the Parish Office at 369-1907 or
the St. Anne's School Office at 333-7580 to purchase your tickets today!
For additional information please call Helen Crane at 369-1085 or 482-6884.
This event has been made possible through the generous donation of Mrs. Elena Sanchez, owner of CASA MEXICANA in cooperation with the Daughters of Isabella, Young Ladies Institute, Knights of Columbus, and the Mexican American Catholic Federation. Comitte Members: Steve Gori, Jose Ordaz, Barbara Brovelli, Marilyn Turner and Helen Crane. Cena y Baile Mexicana de San Patricio La Cena y Baile Mecicana de San Patricio para beneficiar al Proyecto de la Plaza de la Communidad de Santa Ana sera el Sabado, 15 de Marzo
de las 6:00pm a las 10:00pm
1101 W. Kettleman Ln. Suite 1, Lodi
Los planos finales de la Plaza estan echos para tomar el espacio enmedio de la escuela y el frente de la Iglesia. Estos planos describen un ambiente placero con arte, fuentes, bancas y mucho mas para que disfrute la communidad de Lodi!
Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al 369-1907 o
a la Oficina de la Escuela al 333-7580 para comprar sus boletos hoy!
Para informacion addicional llame a Helen Crane al 369-1085 o al 482-6884.
Este evento ha sido posible por la donacion generosa de la Sr. Elena Sanchez, de CASA MEXICANA en coperacion con las Hijas de Isabela, Young Ladies Institute, los Caballeros de Colon, y la Federacion Mexo-Americana. Miembros del Comite: Steve Gori, Jose Ordaz, Barbara Brovelli, Marilyn Turner,
y Helen Crane.