El Grupo de Oración: "El Alfarero" los invita al Congreso para Mujeres: “La Mujer en el corazón de Dios.” El 12 y 13 de Enero. Para mas informacion haga clic en el titulo.
Merry Christmas! The Parish Office & Adoration Chapel will be CLOSED on Monday 24th & Tuesday 25th of December. The Ministry Team Wishes Everyone A Merry & Blessed Christmas!
The Giving the Gift of Faith Tree helps our confirmation candidates cover the cost of their confirmation retreat. For more information about how to donate, please click on the title above.
Come & enjoy your evenings celebrating the Posadas at St. Anne's. Beginning December 16th. For more information please click on the title. Venga y disfrute sus noches celebrando las Posadas en Santa Ana. Empezando el 16 de Diciembre. Para mas informacion y las fechas haga clic en el titulo.
St. Anne’s and the surrounding Parishes will be having priests from around the Diocese of Stockton who will be here to hear confessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare yourself to receive our Lord's birth. For dates and Parishes please click on the title.