The mission of the Hospitality Ministry is to create and foster fellowship in our parish. After the Sunday 8:30AM, 10:30 AM and 12:30PM Masses, coffee and doughnuts are served in the Church Grotto or in the Youth Room depending on the weather. If you would like to be apart of this ministry please click on the title.
Bishop Myron Cotta will be having a reflection every month, that can encourage and motivate your month. If you'd like to read the letter click on the title.
The St. Anne's Fest will be happening on July 21st. We are looking for individuals or ministries to help out with various tasks. For more information please click on the title.
The Faith Formation Petal is a vital part of our parish community. Through this petal, children and adults receive formation classes to become full members of the Catholic Church. As members of the Catholic Church we are always on a journey to nourish our faith in Jesus Christ and His Church. To learn more about the Faith Formation Petal Presentation click on the title.
St. Anne’s Senior Monthly Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, June 26th at the Lodi Moose Lodge on Woodbridge Road. The cost is $12.00 per person. If you'd like to know the menu or for more information click on the title.