Join the Daughters of Isabella as they celebrate the birthday of their patroness at the 8:30 Mass on Sunday, April 28th. For more information please click on the title
Vacation Bible School needs you! Be part of the fun this year! We are in need of Volunteers for VBS from June 10th-14th, 2019! If you are interested in helping out, please click on the title.
Join us as we begin a new bible study group called "Walking Toward Eternity". This series is designed to help you live your faith more fully and to encounter Christ in a more intimate and life-changing way. For more information on this event please click on the title above.
Thank you for participating in Operation Rice Bowl during this Lenten season. Rice bowls will be collected on the weekend of April 27 & 28. For more information, click on the title above.
The Italian Catholic Federation will be having their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 23 in Dominican Hall at 6:30 pm. For more information, please click on the title above.
St. Anne’s School is currently accepting nominations for the Distinguished Graduate Award. Find out how to nominate someone, by clicking on the title above.
Join us in as we begin the Novena of Divine Mercy on Good Friday, April 19th in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday on Sunday April 28th. We will be praying the Chaplet every evening in the Church. For more information please click on the title above.
Join us as we begin our walk through the Passion of Christ and celebrate in His resurrection. Beginning April 14th with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Sunday. For more information, please click on the event title above.