Join the Mexican-American Catholic Federation & Casa Mexicana on Sunday, December 31st for their New Year's Dance. Click on the title of this article for more information.
La Comunidad Carismática de la Evangelización los invita al Encuentro Sólo Para Mujeres, el Sábado, 20 y Domingo, 21 de Enero. Para obtener más información visite el enlace.
The Daughters of Isabella will be holding a bake sale on December 17th to benefit the St. Anne's Youth Group Confirmation retreats. For more information, please click on the title of this article.
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration at St. Anne's, will be happening on Tuesday, December 12th. Click the link to see a full schedule of events for that day.
We need your help and support in helping our young Catholics that are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming year. For more information please click on the title.
The 14th Annual Walk for life will be on Saturday, January 27th, 2018. For more information about this event please click on the title of this article.
Join us for our New Year's Masses on Sunday, December 31st and Monday, January 1st. To see a complete Mass schedule please click on the title of this article.
La Comunidad Carismática de la Evangelización los invita al Gran Congreso Anual de Sanación y Evangelización el 18 y 19 de Noviembre. Para obtener más información visite el enlace.
Join St. Anne's School for their annual Harvest Fest, happening on Saturday, September 30th and Sunday, October 1st! For more information about this event, click on the title of this article.
The Young Ladies' Institute will be having their Annual Bunco Fundraiser on Sunday, September 17th! This is their only fundraiser to benefit Lodi and Stockton charities. For more information click on the link of this article.
The St. Anne's School Harvest Fest would not be possible without the generosity of sponsors. If you would like to be a sponsor for this year's Fest, click on the title for more information.
Join us for a Pancake Breakfast on August 6th! All proceeds will go toward helping Alex Estrella raise money for his year of service on the National Evangelization Teams (N.E.T. Ministries)! Click on the title of this article for more information.
La primera conferencia en español para hombres Católicos será el 14 de Julio del 2017. Esta es una gran oportunidad para encontrarse con Cristo. No se la va a querer perder. Para más información, siga el enlace de este artículo.
Our Adoration Chapel is open throughout the week. Come visit for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. To view our hours, click the title of this article.
Encuentro para Parejas: El Matrimonio y la Familia en Cristo. El Sábado 29 y Domingo 30 de Abril. Para mas información haga clic en el titulo de este articulo.
The Daughters of Isabella will be hosting their annual Tea in the Garden on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 11:00am in St. Anne's Hall. For more information click on the title of this article.